UPDATED September 3, 2024

  • Safety Team - If there is anyone interested in being a safety team member please sign up at the Welcome Center.

  • Are you Registered to Vote in the 2024 Presidential, State and Local Government elections? The Bethel Social Action Team, will have voter registration materials and information after Worship services fellowship hall. Teens who will be 18 years of age by November 5, 2024 are eligible to pre-register.

  • Willing Hearts Ministry - Meeting immediately after service on Sunday, September 15th in classroom 10.

  • Baby Dedications to take place Sunday, September 8th. Sign up forms can found in the church office, at the front desk and on our church website.

  • Senior Fish Fry - Saturday, September 14, 2024, please 62yrs of age and up please sign up at welcome center if you plan to attend. See Deacon Keith Forbes for more information.

  • Baptism Sunday - September 15, 2024, anyone that desires to be baptized please see Deaconess Rosalene Cason or Deaconess Marva Lucas prior to this date for more information on attire and any questions you may have.

  • Annual Willing Hearts Red & Black Day - Sunday, September 22, 2024. They are asking that all women wear red and men wear black. Thank you all for your participation and support in advance.

  • Silver Senior Recognition Day - Sunday, September 22, 2024, Bethel will recognize our 80 & up members. Please see list at welcome center to make sure your name or love one name is present so we can recognize them on this Sunday.

***All announcements should be submitted by the end of business each Thursday to be included in the Sunday bulletin.***